Retreat Overview
The Shamanic Plant Dieta retreat will include 2 Sacred Healing Concerts, 5 day plant dieta in isolation, Shamanic Sound Practicum workshop, frame drum making workshop, art therapy, integration practices and Russian Banya (sauna) with traditional health treatment.

Day 1
Upon arrival in the morning, you will be greeted by Sacred healing team member and shown to your accommodation where you will be staying for the duration of the retreat. You will spend your morning getting settled in your space, attend orientation (mandatory) and have a chance to participate in group healing practices and social activities during the afternoon and evening (optional).

Day 2
In the morning you will have a facilitated art therapy session aimed at helping you to channel your intention into the dieta process and you will also begin making your own frame drum.
You will be able to continue the process of awakening your drum and connecting to its spirit during the dieta.
The Plant dieta will begin on this evening afer the Sacred Healing Concert. You will spend the whole night in the ceremony hall and return to your dieta space in the morning.

Days 3-7
You will remain in your dieta space where you will be visited by facilitators and other team members to bring you food and your plant remedy.

Day 8
The Sacred Healing concert will take place in the evening and you will spend that night in the ceremony hall.
Next day the Shamanic Sound Practicum workshop will take place. In this workshop you will learn and practice holding therapeutic space for each other using ceremony grade sound healing instruments.
You will finish painting your drums, if you choose to do so.
In the evening, we will facilitate Russian Banya (sauna) and spend some time socially gathered around the fire.

Day 9
Social activities, integration practices and departure by the end of the day.
Lodging and Price Options

Bunkie (4 available)

There is a limited number of off grid tiny houses available for booking. These bunkies have no electricity and have room for one bed (provided with bedding) and some personal belongings.
The bunkies are located in closer proximity to the main house and to each other and are not as private as tents.
Please note, that you will be highly encouraged to spend your days outside of the bunkie, to be connected with nature around you. As its the purpose of the dieta.
You will still be asked to bring a hammock, camping chair, lights and other equipment to make your stay comfortable. See downloadable checklist for full list of items to bring.
Early Bird Price 2025$ Cad (Until April 30th)
$1000Cad Non-refundable deposit paid upon registration inside membership platform.
The Balance paid in full by Aug 1st via e-transfer.
Credit card payments are available for the remaining balance with 3% processing surcharge.


The ULTIMATE dieta experience where you are inseparable from the nature around you.
You will spend all your time during the Shamanic Dieta retreat in and around your tent. You are encouraged to bring hammock, camping chairs and other camping equipment to make yourself comfortable. See downloadable checklist for full list of items to bring.
The tents will allow for more private and secluded location.
Early Bird Price 1825$Cad (Until April 30th)
50% Non-refundable deposit paid upon registration inside membership platform.
The Balance paid in full by Aug 1st via e-transfer.
Credit card payments are available for the remaining balance with 3% processing surcharge.
Please Read Before Registering.
Please read the description of traditional Shamanic Diet to fully understand the purpose of this work.
Please carefully read the information provided below as you will be asked to confirm that you have read it, understood it and have agreed to it during your registration.
Before the Dieta
The preparation for the dieta starts at the moment the intention to enter dieta forms. Following the initial intention, it is important to prepare the body and the mind:
- Discontinue the use of mind-altering substances two weeks before the first day of the diet. This includes recreational drugs, as well as any substances that affect your mind: uppers like coffee or downers like alcohol.
- Discontinue the use of supplements and any non-vital medications one week prior to the dieta. If you have prescription medication, contact us before booking.
- Discontinue sexual activity three days prior to the dieta, including self pleasuring.
- Establish a daily practice of mindfulness, connecting to your intention of doing the dieta, starting two weeks prior.
- Prepare to be alone, off-grid, without habitual distractions, without technology for the duration of the dieta.
- Check the list of items you will need to bring with you, prepare and test your equipment.
- Share our contact with your families in case they need to contact you in an emergency situation.

During the Dieta
This is the time of solitude, quietude, introspection and deep inner work. Prepare yourself for being alone for the duration of the diet.
- We will be bringing food to you twice a day: Breakfast at 8am (oatmeal on water) and 12pm (plain rice with plantain and two boiled eggs on alternating days. If you are vegan there will be no eggs ). The food is prepared with no salt. You will keep the dinner containers with you until the morning visit, so you can eat at your own pace.
- We can supplement your diet with a warm gooey drink made from Fariña (roasted yucca). It is traditionally used as a main source of nutrition during the dieta by the shamans of the Peruvian lowland Amazon.
- Twice a day you will be served your plant remedy. By default, we will maintain the minimum communication interaction, but if/when needed, your process can be discussed with one of the facilitators.
- You will be able to fill your water container once a day by yourself from the water source outside of the main house. Please remember that since you will have no salt in your diet, your water intake needs to be increased to avoid dehydration and to facilitate detox. Plan on bringing enough water containers (4-6L/day) and have a way to transport them back to your dieta spot ( backpack).
- There is an outdoor shower outside of the main house where you can wash yourself with plain water (no soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc. are allowed).
- Do not use any substances on your body - no insect repellent, oil, sunblock etc. You can use toothbrush with no toothpaste to clean your teeth.
- There is a bio toilet located on the property that can be used for #2. If you wish to use the forest as your toilet, please bring a small shovel so you can dig up a hole for your #2. #1 can just go onto the ground.
-Do not interact or establish eye contact with other dieters unless it is an emergency.
- Do not use any technology - we will ask you to leave your cell phones at the cottage with the rest of your belongings that do not go into the diet with you.
- Your diet will conclude on the morning of day 8 with a spoon of salt and a mapacho blessing.

After the Dieta
After returning home, you will enter into a post-dieta period of 30 days where you will maintain some of the restrictions introduced before and during the dieta. Such as:
No Alcohol
No Sex or any other kind of exchange of intimate energy ( including kissing)
No Masturbation
No Cannabis or other medicinal plants
No Coffee
No pharmaceutical medications (Tylenol, Advil etc. included)
No other mind-altering substances
No pork or beef ( Chicken and fish are ok)
No Spicy food
No Sugar ( fruits are ok)

Registration for 2023 is open to members of Northern Family Community. If you are a member, log into your members area to register.
For any new members - please send me an email at

Reasons to join:
You have been working with plants and want to learn how to communicate directly with the spirit of the plants, nature, and, therefore, with your own Self.
You have wanted to begin your journey on the healing path of any modality and are looking to hone your intuitive and shamanic skills.
You have felt the need to re-align yourself with your own heart and spirit.
There is something that you need to work through - grief, anxiety, life choices....
You feel overwhelmed by the world and need to spend some time in solitude while being completely cared and provided for.
The sense of connecting to a supportive community is important to you.
You need to super charge your career, new projects, new visions that need to be manifested and put into practice in "real life".
You have already been in practice of dietas and it's time for your next one ( Because its not a "one off" practice).
There is a need for growth, for stepping onto the next level of your inner journey.
You just feel the call :-)